Best Tracks of 2020 So Far (February Edition)

We’re almost a quarter of the way through the year (WTF are you serious), and we are already off to a HOT start. Like a good steak pairs with a nice cab, this blog pairs great with the January edition which I wrote last month.

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Here all of these songs and more here, and don’t forget to follow for weekly updates:

“B Cool Janet” – Cheap Synths

It’s the #Yearofthecheap ala Cheap Synths’ Instagram- and I agree. On occasion over here we exercise the #WeekOfBeansAndRice so I get it. An underrated jammer you need to know. This one goes out to every Janet you ever met that sucked, this goes out to you, Janet.

“No Interruptions” – Betty Mae

This one basically broke my computer, repeat button is stuck. What’s cool about this is it’s the promise of something greater, a shining career to come. Watch out for the EP in May- “Bitch I’ve Grown”.

And bitch, I have grown. But sometimes still I need to be tucked into bed by a smooth song that plays directly to my soul. Be sure to catch Betty on my esteemed colleague JPGChief’s epic playlists Less Than 1000 Followers and Fresh Singles, which he updates daily.

“Doubt” – Josh Dominguez, T.R.3.

Josh has always been prevalent in the LA underground music scene, but as of lately he is coming out hot. He’s got an album dropping soon, and mark my words, it’s going to be a game changer for him. The underground scene in LA (where I’m based) has been circulating advanced copies and demos for weeks, including some very fun and unexpected live performances. Watch out for the album in May, and the next single “Air It Out” on April 10th.

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“Garden Party” – Roman Flügel

This is one of the most fire house songs I’ve heard in a while.

It gives me major Terje vibes. And I don’t think I need to say anymore about Terje vibes:

Which was my #25 song of the decade on my list that I made but never released but does in fact exist.

“Lay Low” – LHĒON

Oof. Major vibes. I have a question and I suppose I don’t need an answer, but what movie does this make you want to watch? I actually am kind of curious, I was bumping this on repeat and my first thoughts that came to my head were Diary of a Mad Black Woman (just based on that twinkly inspirational piano alone) and something inspitaional like Jerry Maguire (I ended up watching Almost Famous, amazing film but didn’t quite hit the spot. Anways, this is a new fave and dead lock for top 50 at the end of the year.

“Sweetness” – Sink Ya Teeth

This song takes me back. It’s brand new but it reminds me of those days when I would bump some Kelly Lee Owens Self-Titled album and some Marie Davidson on repeat. Absolute heater.

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“Shimmy” – Amine

That first line- let’s go. I’m gonna let Daw handle this one. Also shout out to the Simpsons both above and in Daw’s article- best friends?

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Also if you hated Daw’s article, because he can be a lot sometimes, I think this reaction video says pretty much everything that needs to be said:

I reacted the same way to that first line

“You’ll Miss Me When I’m Not Around” – Grimes

So anyone who knows me knows that I stan Art Angels and easily put it in my top five albums of the decade. Now, I’ve been a hater on the new singles. For sure. In fact I would even go as far as to say that I only liked We Appreciate Power and Pretty (Demo). But all of the pent up doubt and naysay’n I had was proven to be faithless and foolish when the album dropped- it’s excellent. It’s a masterfully poignant and groundbreaking attempt at a Neil Armstrong first small step for mankind into the forthcoming intersection between humanity and technology. This feels like something old but in reality we’re barely halfway there. It’s only a matter of time before robots envelop most of the human workforce across the planet, and AI deep learns faster and faster to the point where it surpasses mankind in capability. It’s adventurous of Grimes to tackle this topic, even if it’s in the form of unpopular claims about AI music overtaking human music someday soon. Count this as a win for Grimes, a big bold step forward for an already top tier progressive artist, further cementing her place in history as a pop and overall music icon.

Also just for shits and gigs, because who knows when the next time I’ll be able to jam on some Grimes is. Needless to say, we’re very pro-Grimes here.

“Gospel for a New Century” – Yves Tumor

Yes. All the yes.

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I bet that last one alarmed you, right? That’s why Yves is so cool. There is a ton of shock value pop culture out there, but very few back it up with quality art like Yves does. Yves is seriously so cool. Let’s take a quick dive.

Featured on last year’s Indie Pong top 50 songs playlist for “Licking an Orchid”.

Live show differs dramatically from recorded versions.

Has an unusual and very marketable persona but stays out of the headlines for stupid shit.

Released one of the best albums of last year easy:

Has been making fire music for a long time. Get ready to zen out to this one.

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“I Never Cried So Much in My Whole Life” – Oh Boy, Cub Sport, Cult Shøtta, A.GIRL, Isaac Puerile

So Cub Sport released this as basically an instrumental with a hook a while ago and my first thought was “this is awesome but it needs rap verses or something” and lo and behold here we are. It’s like this track went from:


You feel me?

“A Little Longer” – Leila Sunier

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I absolutely love this one. Leila hails from the suburbs of New York and released this stunner in which she crescendos her effortless, trickling vocals into a powerful and climactic chorus that sticks with you.

“Maura” – Wednesday

If you couldn’t tell from my subtle article about it this is my favorite album of the year so far. It was tough to pick a song because the whole thing is so perfect, but this was my favorite.

“Lifetime” – Caveboy

This is so Indie Pong vibes- you already know. Watch out for this Montreal band and check out their new album “Night in the Park, Kiss in the Dark” for more pop excellence.

“I Just Want To Look At You” – Eilish Gilligan

I was a big fan of The Pull last year and was looking forward to what Eilish would do next- and was not disappointed. The Melbourne based Eilish Gilligan has one of the purest voices around right now, and we’re huge fans.

“Pictionary” – Shmu

This is some lo-fi excellence right here. The kind of song you just get lost in and then have to play again when it ends. Austin-based Sam Chown by way of Toronto feels uncommercial in an endearing way in his self-explained “Futuristic Melty Dream Pop meets hazy Psychedelic Yacht-Vaporwave”. Don’t think I could put it better myself.

While I was writing this I realized this song is actually from 2015 but I already wrote it so… meh. Enjoy. Also be sure to check out Shmu’s new album “Pure Bliss” which came out last month.

EDIT: I have been asked to take this down by my boss because it’s old. Sike- I am the boss fool!

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“A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes” – Kat Edmonson

This cover is just absolutely lovely. It’s a great conversation piece for when your grandparents ask about what you’re listening to these days (literally has never happened to me but you never know) and you don’t feel like explaining the nuances of Shmu or why Josh Dominguez sounds so angry on Doubt- throw this badboy on and you’ll be making memories of dancing around the kitchen till dinner. You’re welcome.

“Hallelujah” – Oh Wonder

I’m low key obsessed with Oh Wonder, such overwhelmingly happy pop vibes. I’m here for it. This is a great song if you’re a cartoon protagonist who has just reached his/her low point at the end of the second act and need a good “making amends” montage to make everything right with the ancillary characters you wronged before going to the big third act ticking clock event for the big climactic moment where you realize that you’ve had it all wrong the whole time, and that actually it doesn’t matter if the other dads in the community think you’re cool or not- anyways I digress. Love this one- don’t miss the new album “No One Else Can Wear Your Crown” that just came out last month.

Plus the bonus unplugged version here.

“People, I’ve been sad” – Christine and the Queens

This is the song that has gotten the hardest core stuck in my head so far this year.

That’s a wrap for this month- be sure to follow our playlist for weekly updates!

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